Dogs are only allowed at THE SANDBOX as the pet of Members with Full Time offices after the member complies with the steps below, or as service animals (see the last paragraph).
Any member bringing a dog (hereafter “Dog Owners”) to THE SANDBOX Goleta shall be respectfully attentive to other members who may be uncomfortable or distracted by the pet’s behavior and proactively address distractions as well as be open to other members suggestions on how to improve distractions.
Note: Printing, signing and emailing this page to THE SANDBOX ( constitutes a release of liability of THE SANDBOX Goleta from any harm or damage done by, or to, your dog while on the property at 69 Santa Felicia Drive in Goleta California. By signing this page you will also be responsible for all damage done to the premise by your dog and will be charged for any costs required to remedy that damage.
Dog Owners shall:
- Provide a current release of liability with THE SANDBOX Goleta. Reading and signing this document constitutes our release of liability and this signed document shall be provided to THE SANDBOX.
- Provide (and maintain) documentation of a homeowners OR renters insurance policy that does NOT exclude dog bites or have specific breed exclusions. This is to protect THE SANDBOX Goleta, our members and guests, and you. A current copy of this insurance policy needs to be on-file with THE SANDBOX Goleta prior to your dog entering the workspace.
- Provide current dog vaccination records including Distemper, Hepatitis, Parainfluenza and Parvovirus (DDTP) and Rabies, at all times.
- Provide current dog license from the City of Goleta or the County of Santa Barbara.
- Maintain an Office Membership for more than 6 months.
- Provide all the above documents via email to THE SANDBOX Goleta before they bring their dog to THE SANDBOX.
- Pay the $500 pet damage deposit
At all times, Approved Dog Owners shall:
- Have a current release of liability with THE SANDBOX Goleta.
- Be 100% responsible, 100% of the time, for your pet’s well-being, behavior, and biological needs. Biological needs including scooping, bagging, cleaning, and sanitizing as needed to maintain the workplace in its proper condition.
- Be responsible for cleaning up all of your pet’s waste inside (such as accidents) and outside of the building. Waste should be disposed of properly in a trash receptacle outside of the building.
- Immediately take your pet home at any time if your pet’s behavior or health makes it a distraction, danger, or nuisance to any members or guests in the workspace.
- Anytime your pet is in the workspace you must keep it in your office with the door closed or a pet gate in place so that your pet remains in your office.
- Be with your dog at all times while the pet is in the workspace. Pets are not to be left unattended in offices if you are out of the workspace or attending an event or meeting elsewhere in the workspace.
- Dog Owners understand that THE SANDBOX is on a busy street and THE SANDBOX has nothing to do with your dog’s interaction with the street, cars, trucks, bikes, pedestrians, etc.
All dogs MUST be:
- At least 9 months old
- Owned and housed by the Dog Owner for at least 30 days
- Current on vaccinations including Distemper, Hepatitis, Parainfluenza and Parvovirus (DDTP) and Rabies, at all times. Current vaccination records must be provided to THE SANDBOX Goleta.
- Currently licensed with the City of Goleta or the County of Santa Barbara. Current license must be provided to THE SANDBOX Goleta.
- Parasite-free (fleas, ticks, etc.)
- Spayed or neutered
- Have completed an organized puppy training class. Proof of class completion must be provided to THE SANDBOX Goleta if the dog is 9 months to 18 months old.
- Show no aggression towards humans. Show no aggression towards other animals.
- Potty-trained and of good hygiene (e.g., no foul, unpleasant or strong odors).
- Positively attended to 100% of the time
- Covered under the owner’s homeowners OR renter’s insurance, which must cover dog bites and have no breed exclusions.
- Kept in the office, or at the dedicated desk of the Dog Owner at all times other than on entry/exit of the building.
- On leash at all times when outside of the Dog Owner’s office.
NO dog shall:
- Exhibit aggressive behavior
- Exhibit hyperactive behavior
- Be disruptive to other members and/or inhibit work productivity
- No dog shall bark excessively
- Sit on, scratch, or otherwise damage any furniture owned by THE SANDBOX Goleta
- No dog shall be allowed off leash in any area of THE SANDBOX Goleta other than the Dog Owner’s office.
Zero Tolerance Policy
- No one is perfect, but we expect your dog to be. The privilege of bringing your dog to THE SANDBOX Goleta can be revoked at any time at the discretion of THE SANDBOX Goleta staff and for any single incident. Remedial measures may be agreed to between THE SANDBOX Goleta and the Pet Owner if the privilege is revoked.
- Dogs don’t tend to bark, whine, scratch, jump, or bite just once, and so all incidents, even first-time incidents, will be treated as repeat problems.
- The workplace is not a training ground for you and your pet to work on behavioral issues.