Work changes happen. You’re moving, you need to downsize your team, you’re changing careers altogether…regardless of why, you need to terminate or change your membership at THE SANDBOX, and we totally understand. 

Please fill out the below form to submit your 30-day notice and get the process started. Our billing team will be in touch with your next steps. Here’s the fine print that we do hope you’ll read so you’re not surprised by anything:

  • Termination requests can be submitted anytime. If you want to terminate before your initial contract term is over (where applicable), though, you may be liable for early termination fees.
  • You do not have to submit an exact 30-day notice. As long as your desired end date is at least 30 days away, you can submit a 47- or 63- or however many-day notice.
  • For Coworking & Virtual Memberships: If your desired termination date does not fall on, or prior to, your next scheduled renewal date, a pro-rated charge for the extra days will be processed to fulfill the 30-day requirement. For example, if your renewal date is May 1st, but you give termination notice on April 15th, you will be charged a pro-rated amount for 15 days on April 15th to fulfill the 30-day notice requirement.
  • For Office & Desk Memberships: Office and Desk memberships are subject to a 30 + day notice. For example, if you submit your termination notice on August 15, the termination will not be effective until the last business day of September, and the Member will owe Fees due for the entire month of September.
  • Terminations cannot retroactively occur. We cannot terminate a contract 6 months ago when you decided not to use your membership, and then refund you those 6 months of payments.
  • Billing will stop when your membership termination has been processed in full. Submitting a notice does not automatically mean you will never be billed again; it just means you are letting us know when you want your membership to end. You may still owe for days used, or incidentals, or damages, etc.
  • If you are terminating a Virtual Office, please do not submit a change of address request with the USPS. This changes the address for the entirety of THE SANDBOX. You must issue notices to your contacts and vendors of your new address.
  • Private Offices or Desks must be vacated entirely by the last day of your membership. You cannot partially move out of your Private Office or Desk and expect to not be billed for the extra time you have used by leaving your possessions in the office.
  • Deposits (where applicable) are refunded within 60 days of your final date, pending a review of your complete account history and use of the space. Sometimes, extra incidentals or meeting room charges are billed to your account during this review, which are paid for by your deposit. You will receive a statement of these extra charges if they are found.

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